Jumat, 23 November 2012

expression's book (matthews da silva)


3 x 4

By Mr. Matthews da Silva
        Facebook :: matthews da Silva
085855183217/ 77811374 


-           That so must go on ; Yang berlalu biarlah beerlalu
-            Speak of the devil, There you are ; Panjang umur Loe, Baru ja dibicarakan 
-           Rob peter to pay Paul ; Gali lubang tutup lubang
-           Remember me to Ariel ; Sampaikan salamku ke Ariel
-           No lip from you ; Nggak usah mengelak
-           No likely ; Sepertinya tidak
-           May I be honest to you ; Bolehkah saya berterus terang ama kamu
-           Love me the way I’m ; Cintailah aku apa adanya
-           Just don’t take it hard ; Gitu ja kok repot
-           Keep your chin up ; Tabahkanlah hatimu
-           I don’t want to see us apart ; Aku tak ingin melihat kita berpisah
-           It sure is ? ; Yang bener aja
-           I don’t want to be with you ; Aku hanya ingin bersamamu
-           Hold on Guys ! ; Tunggu dulu
-           I don’t want to let you down ; Aku tak ingin mengecewakanmu
-           Have a good time ; Selamat bersenang - senang
-           God only knows ; Hanya Tuhan yang tahu
-           Fancy meeting you here ; Nggak terbayang ketemu kamu di sini
-           Everything has been over ; Semuanya sudah berakhir
-           I dunno a shit ; Aku nggak tahu apa – apa
-           I’ll stand by you ; Aku akan mendukungmu
-           So do I ; Begitu juga dengan saya
-           Could you help me ? ; Bisa Bantu aku
-           On the other hand ; Disisi lain
-           Make yourself at home ; Anggap aja rumah sendiri
-           16I can’t take my eyes off you ; Aku tak bisa berpaling darimu
-           Calm down Sweaty ; Tenang dong sayang
-           Reap what you show ; Rasain tuch
-           Can I help you ? ; Bisa aku Bantu
-           Strike the iron while it’s hot ; Jika ada kesempatan jangan di sia-siakan
-           Necessity is the key of success ; Kesungguhan adalah kunci kesuksesan
-           I’m gonna pass out soon ; Aku segera keluar 
-           Give me a buzz ? ; Kabari aku ya
-           You’re hopeless ; Payah kamu
-           Have a go ; Selamat mencoba
-           You can’t let me down ; Kamu nggak boleh mengecewakan aku
-           Stop babying yourself ; Jangan manjain dirimu
-           Think my prestige ! ; Gengsi dong
-           Come off it man ; Jangan berlagak dech
-           Don’t go with steam ; Jangan ikut – ikutan
-           Ring me up ;Telfon aku ya
-           Variety is spice of life ; Perbedaan adalah bumbu kehidupan
-           I’m flat broke ; Aku lagi bokek
-           Dead to the world ; Mimpi indah ya
-           In for a penny in for a pound ; Jangan melakukan sesuatu setengah”
-           I the same boat ; Senasib
-           I want to grow old with you ; Aku ingin hidup semati bersamamu  
-           Get your own risk ; Itu resiko
-           Science is the key of life ; Tanggung sendiri akibatnya
-           Patient people is the grace of God ; Orang sabar disayang Tuhan
-           See you some other time ; Sampai jumpa lain kali
-           Everything gonna be fine ; Semuanya akan baik – baik saja
-           You’re babe on the wood ; Kamu lugu banget sich
-           It is up to date ; Ini terbaru
-           17He’s / She’s goody – goody ; Dia anak baik – baik
-           Break it up ! ; Hentikan
-           Let me save you the trouble ; Biarkan aku lakukan hanya untukmu
-           Could I come in ? ; Bolehkah saya masuk
-           Don’t love me just for fun ; Jangan mencintai sekedar senang”
-           First come first serve ; Siapa cepat dia dapat
-           Don’t cry over spilled milk ; Nasi sudah menjadi bubur
-           Repeat once more ; Ulangi sekali lagi
-           Any question ? ; Ada pertanyaan
-           Where have you been ? ; Dari mana kamu
-           Don’t take to long ; Jangan lama – lama
-            Wait a moment ; Bentar ya
-           Don’t take it personal ; Jangan diambil hati
-            Wait a minutes ; Bentar ya
-           Are you done ? ; sudah selesai belum
-           Have you taken shower ? ; Sudah mandi kamu
-           You first ; Kamu duluan
-           What did you dream about last night ? ; Mimpi apa kamu  semalam
-           How long have you been here ? ; Sudah berapa lama disisni
-           Do you feel at home ? ; Apakah kamu kerasan dirumah
-           How long will you staying here ? ; Akan berapa kamu tinggal disini
-           Make it serious ? ; Yang bener aja
-           Go away ! ; Pergi sana
-           What do you mean ? ; Maksudnya
-           What is up ? ; Ada apa
-           Say cheese ; Senyum dong ( Untuk Foto )
-           I hope so ; Aku harap begitu
-           No fair ; Curang kamu
-           I’m glad to meet you ; Senang berkenalan denganmu
-           18Don’t forget us ; Jangan lupakan kita
-           I’m glad to see you ; Senang bertemu denganmu
-           Why are you here ? ; Kenapa kamu kesini
-           I’m the blame ; Aku merasa terpojok
-           Do you been there ? ; Pernah pergi kesana
-           Where are you going ? ; Mau pergi kemana
-           Do you want to have ? ; Mau makan apa
-           What do you plan to do with you here ; Rencana kamu ngapain aja disini
-           Do you gotta class ? ; Ada kelas
-           Why were you absent? ; Kenapa kamu nggak masuk
-           Move over ; Geser dikit dong
-           Don’t watch too close ; Jangan terlalu dekat nontonnya
-           Move side ; Minggir dong
-           How do you feel ? ; Bagaimana yang kamu rasakan
-           I’ve got temperature ; Aku panas
-           You should see the doctor ; Sebaiknya kamu pergi ke dokter
-           I’ve got runny nose ; Hidungku pulek
-           My body sick all over ; Badanku sakit semua
-           I’ve got an upset belly ; Perutku kembung
-           Never commit adultery ; Jangan pernah berzina
-           Oh, How I need you ; Oh, Betapa aku membutuhkanmu
-           Leaving after having fun ; Habis manis sepah dibuang
-           I’ll come rain or shine ; Aku aka datang apapun yang terjadi
-           What is done is done ; Apa yang terjadi, terjadilah
-           Don’t look me down ; Jangan meremehkanku
-           19Bullshit ; Omong kosong
-           Don’t think about too much ; Jangan terlalu dipikirin
-           Don’t make me wait ; Jangan membuatku menunggu
-           Tell you what ; Gini aja
-           No way ; Nggak mungkin
-           Now what ? ; Gimana nich
-           That’s all ; Cukup sekian
-           Something like that ; Semacam itulah
-           I got a be off now ! ; Aku harus berangkat sekarang
-           Can you keep a secret ? ; Bisakah kamu menjaga rahasia
-           How strange ? ; Aneh sekali, Tumben
-           Just curious ; Cuma ingin tahu aja
-           It’s doesn’t matter ; Nggak masalah
-           Just asking ; Hanya Tanya aja
-           Get well soon, OK ; Cepat sembuh ya
-           My tongue taste bitter ; lidahku terasa sakit
-           It’s only a small cut ; Cuma luka ringan aja
-           You call it food ? ; Kamu sebut itu makanan
-           Let’s go out for bite ? ; Cari makan yuk
-           I’m not that hungry ; Aku nggak begitu lapar
-           I’m full ; Aku sudah kenyang
-           I have had enough ; Perutku sudah nggak muat lagi
-           Have some ; Cobain dech
-           Have some more ? ; Mau nambah lagi
-           It’s delicious ; Enak sekali / Lezat banget
-           I don’t like hot food ; Aku nggak suka makanan pedas
-           Can you get me some ? ; Boleh nitip
-           Save some for me , Ok ; Sisakan buat aku ya
-           The rice is done ; Nasinya sudah matang
-           20I this edible ? ; Ini bisa dimakan
-           How’s the taste ? ; Bagaimana rasanya
-           Can I have some ? ; Boleh minta
-           Help yourself ; Silahkan ambil sendiri
-           Can I have a bite ? Boleh nyobain
-           Make if fast ; Cepetan dong
-           Where is the dipper ? ; Dimana gayungnya
-           It’s no use ; Ini nggak ada gunanya
-           Where is my towel ? ;Dimana handukku
-           Make a line, Will you ; Antri dong
-           I have to take a bath ; Aku harus mandi
-           Anyone there ? ; Ada orang di dalam
-           Who is inside ? ; Siapa didalam
-           Whose turn is it ? ; Giliran siapa
-           I’m not kidding ; Aku nggak bercanda
-           What do you think about ? ; Apa pendapatmu tentang
-           Have you had meal ? ; Sudah makan
-           What is it that you want ? ; Mau kamu apa sich
-           What took you so long ; Lama banget sich
-           I’m going for a walk ; Aku Cuma jalan – jalan
-            Have you seen it ?; Sudah lihat apa belum
-           Has it started ? ; Sudah di mulai belum
-           I think so ; Saya pikir juga begitu
-            It’s so cute ; Imut banget Loe
-           That’s cool ; Keren tuch
-           You’re a creep ; Kamu nyebelin
-           What the blast ? ; Tempat apa’an nich
-           Have a chit chat ; Ngobrol
-           Tease me, OK ; Godain aku dong
-           21Don’t disturb me ; Jangan ganggu aku
-           Tease you us, OK ; Godain kita dong
-           Leave me alone ; Tinggalkan aku sendiri
-           I’ll stick by you ; Aku akan setya ama kamu
-           I’m speechless ; Aku nggak tahu harus bicara
-           Forget it / Skip it ; Lupakan
-           Hurry up ; Cepetan dong
-           Just for fun ; Hanya iseng aja
-           Easy going ; Cuek aja
-           Over my dead body ; Langkahi dulu mayatku
-           Don’t hurry ; Jangan buru – buru
-           Did you eat ? ; Sudah makan
-           Say something ; Ngomong dong
-           Never mind ; Nggak masalah 
-           I’m in a hurry ; Aku buru – buru nich
-           What can I say ; Apa boleh buat
-           Damn if you do, damn if you don’t ; Begini salah, Begitu salah
-           You’re really the pits ; Kamu payah dech
-           Just knock it off ; Jalanin aja dulu 
-           I’m cloud in the air ; Aku gembira sekali 
-           It’s not that easy ; Nggak segampang itu
-           Let’s stick around little longer ; entar dulu nggak ush terburu – buru
-           Stop being such a Baby ; Jangan manja dong
-           Can I make an offer ? ; Boleh saya tawar
-           See, I told you what ; Nah, Kubilang juga apa
-           I don’t care who you are ; Aku nggak peduli siapa kamu
-           What will be will be ; Yang akan terjadi biarlah terjadi
-           I can’t say a word ; Aku nggak bisa berkata - kata
-           Do you mean it ? ; Apa kamu bersungguh - sungguh
-           22 Just a small talk ; Cuma sekedar basa - basi
-            Don’t touch me ; Jangan sentuh aku
-            The feeling come to me just like that ; Perasaan itu datang padaku begitu saja
-           You know what ! I like the way you smile ; Tau nggak ! Aku suka senyummu
-           What are you doing ? ; Lagi ngapain
-           I can’t be late again ; Aku nggak boleh terlambat lagi
-           You got only track of mind ; Kamu hanya berpikiran negative
-           It’s time to take your medicine ; Waktunya minum obat
-           I’ve got toothache ; Aku sakit gigi
-            For your information ; Asal tahu aja
-           Go straight up, all right ; Jangan mampir – mampir ya
-           What to do when it rains ? ; Hujan – hujan gini enaknya ngapain ya
-           I want to warm up the bench ; Aku mau nongkrong
-           Wow, You look so cool today ; Wow, Kamu kelihatan keren hari ini
-           Let’s do the double date ? ; Kencan bareng yuk
-           Have a fair is sinful to me ; Selingkuh itu dosa buatku
-           Now love dead and the rainbow is gone ; Cinta berakhir dan kebahagiaanpun sirna
-           My world is blue now I’m with you ; Dunia terasa hampa tanpamu
-           You cheat on me ; Kamu membohongiku
-           I never be lying ; Aku nggak pernah bohong
-           I’ve got fever ; Aku demam
-           I’ve got headache ; Aku sakit kepala
-           You skip the class ? ; Kamu bolos ya
-           Where d’you go ? ; Mau pergi ke mana
-           What are you trying to say ? ; Apa maksudmu
-           Save Saturday night for me ? ; Malam mingguan denganku yuk
-           What a pity you are ; Kasihan dech loe
-           What a cap cake ; Cengeng banget sich
-           23What do I get ? ; Apa untungnya buatku
-           Do it what it is ; Hadapi apa adanya
-           It’s relief of you ; Lega rasanya hatiku
-           Don’t go anywhere ! ; Jangan pergi kemana – mana
-           It is back number ; Ini sudah kuno
-           The entire world is stage ; Dunia ini adalah panggung sandiwara
-           Every could has a silver lining ; Setiap masalah pasti ada jalan keluarnya
-           Home sweet home ; Rumahku Surgaku
-           Don’t bother yourself ; Nggak usah repot – repot
-           I had a crushed on her / him ; Aku naksir dia
-            Think my prestige ; Ini bukan keahlianku
-           Cross my heart ; Percayalah padaku
-           Don’t take it your time ; Jangan tergesa – gesa
-            Whatever will be will be ; Yang terjadi biarlah terjadi
-           Make a lap ( Slang ) ; Duduklah
-           So what else ? ; Jadi, Apalagi nich
-           Say nobody ; Jangan bilang siapa – siapa
-           Easy to say but difficult to do ; Mudah di ucapkan sulit dilakukan
-           It’s not easy as you say ; Tak semudah yang kamu katakan
-           Don’t try to be cool ; Jangan sik keren
-           Take care yourself ; Jaga dirimu baik - baik
-           Don’t be up and down ; Jangan mondar - mandir
-           I’m big head ; Aku jadi GR nich
-           Who’s scared ! ; siapa takut
-           Let’s gone be by gone ; Yang berlalu biarlah berlalu
-           Let’s gating gather ? ; Kumpul yuk
-           Little by little become a hill in long time ; Sedikit demi sedikit lama-lama jadi bukit
-           Better safe than sorry ; Mencegah lebih baik dari pada mengobati
-           24Absolutely ; Tentu / Pasti
-           Win a few, Lose a few ; Kadang berhasil kadang juga gagal
-           You will be death of me ; Kamu nyusahin aku aja
-           What’s wrong with that ? ; Emangnya kenapa
-           The sooner the better ; Lebih cepat lebaik
-           Take it or leave it ? ; Mau apa tidak
-           Just look around  ; Hanya liat – liat aja
-           I’m sick to you ; Aku rindu padamu
-           What if I do ? ; Kalau kulakukan, Emangnya kenapa
-           You’re something else ; Kamu bisa aja
-           What’s past is past ; dulu – dulu, Sekarang – sekarang
-           You’re too much ; Kamu keterlaluan
-           What brings you here ? ; Tumben kamu kesini
-           You’re smart elect ! ; Sok tau kamu
-           Small but tough ; Kecil – kecil cabe rawit
-           You’re really something ; Kamu ada – ada saja
-           You’ve something in your mind ; Lagi mikirin sesuatu ya
-           Last night I was organism in my dream ; Tadi malam aku mimpi basah
-           Do you want to come along ; Mau ikut apa nggak
-           Are you out of your fucking mind ; Kamu gila ya
-           This is bullshit ! fuck this ! ; Yang bener aja
-           It’s gone be shit ; Yang bener aja
-           Where the hell ya bouncing ; Mau pergi kemana
-           What the fuck is that ; Apa itu
-           You are Hilly – Billy ; Katrok loe ( kampungan )
-           Well, that’s just hot shit ! ; Iya, itu bagus sekali
-           Fuck off ! ; Minggirlah
-           Hi frank, Long time now fucking see you ; Hai Frank, Lama nggak jumpa
-           Would you be my chick ? ; Mau nggak jadi pacar gue
-           25Say, have got boy/girlfriend ? ; Ngomong” udah punya pacar pa blm
-           Introduce my self to her/him ; kenalin gue dong
-           What the god damn ya thinking about damned ? ; Lagi mikirin apa sich
-           I run away to be nothing ; Aku pilih mati aja
-           Well be rock and roll to hit the bed tonight ; Kita senang” yuk di atas kasur malam ini
-           You’ve got shit bomb face today ; Dasar muka hancur berantakan
-           Nothing else matter but fucking chick ; Nggak ada yang lebih penting dari pada cewek
-           Oh my fucking God ; Ya Tuhan
-           Go fuck yourself ; Masa bodoh

 About Slang Language

-           Know what I’m saying                     ; Paham
-           Just knock it of                            ; Jalanin aja dulu
-           Just let me see                              ; Mohon di dengar
-           Lips service                                   ; Basa – basi
-           Let the good times rool                 ; Mari bersenang – senang
-           Like a hell                                     ; Tidak mungkin
-           My fact                                         ; Aku nggak percaya
-           More or less                                  ; Kira – kira
-           May I be honest to you                 ; Bolehkah saya berterus terang
-           Once and for all finally                 ; Sekali untuk selama nya
-           Over my dead body                        ; Langkahi dulu mayatku
-           Shame on you                                ; Memalukan
-           Son of a bitch                               ; Anjing loch
-           26Take it or leave it                          ; Mau apa nggak
-           Take my word for it                      ; Percayalah pada saya
-           There you go                                 ; Nah gitu dong
-           That’s it                                        ; Cukup sekian
-           The hell with you                          ; Persetan denganmu
-           The pleasure is mine                      ; Senang jumpa denganmu
-           Whoops                                         ; Eeeiiiittt
-           What are you getting at                ; Apa maksudmu
-           What the hell is it                        ; apa – apaan nich
-           Watch your language                     ; Jangan ngomong sembarangan
-           Wish me luck                                 ; Do’akan aku berhasil
-           What’s going on                             ; Ada apa
-           You’re telling me                            ; Memang
-           You’re full of ideas                        ; ada – ada saja kamu
-           You’ve something in your mind        ; Sedang memikirkan sesuatu
-           You’re a smart elect                       ; Sok tau loch
-           You’re something else                    ; Kamu bisa aja
-           For real                                         ; Yang bener aja
-           What the hell who cares               ; Emangnya gue pikirin 
-           I don’t want to give a shit             ; Nggak peduli ah
-           One day                                         ; Suatu hari nanti
-           Someday                                       ; Kapan – kapan
-           Maybe later                                  ; Mungkin nanti
-           Ever since                                      ; Sejak saat itu
-           Come on over                                 ; Kesinilah       
-           Come over, Come by, Drop by         ; Mampir
-           Stick around                                 ; Jangan kemana – mana
-           Listen up                                       ; Dengerin ya   
-           Spend the time                              ; Menghabiskan waktu
-           27Hot spot                                        ; Tempat menarik
-           Personal friend                              ; Teman dekat
-           Make a friend                               ; Berteman
-           Have a little talk                           ; Ngobrol
-           Share                                            ; Bertukar pikiran, Curhat
-           Joke around                                  ; Bergurau
-           It’s bitchin’ day                             ; Hari yg menyebalkan / Menyenangkan
-           Where are you headed                  ; Mau kemana
-           I want to take a walk                     ; Aku mau jalan – jalan
-           I want to hang out                         ; Aku mau ngeceng
-           Watch your step                           ; Liat – liat dong kalau jalan
-           I’m cloud in the air                        ; Aku gembira sekali
-           You are such a wimp                      ; Kamu cengeng banget
-           Never playing with the boogers     ; Jangan ngupil dong
-           Don’t rush me                                ; Jangan paksa aku
-           You must be out of  your mind       ; Kamu itu gila ya
-           Let’s blow this join                        ; Cabut yuk
-           Treat women with respect             ; Hormatilah wanita
-           Is that’s so                                    ; Oh begitu ya
-           You drive me crazy                        ; Kamu membuatku bingung
-           How long you’ve got here               ; Berapa lama kamu sampai sini  
-           Love doesn’t mean to possess         ; Cinta tak harus memiliki
-           No love before meeting                 ; Tak kenal maka tak sayang
-           I can’t wait to see you                   ; Gitu lebih baik
-           See what I mean                           ; Ngerti  nggak sich
-           Hang on thigh                                ; Pegangan yang kuat
-           More and more …..                          ; Makin lama makin …..
-           What’s more                                  ; Apa lagi
-           Beside that                                   ; Disamping itu
-           28To be or no                                    ; Jadi nggak nich
-           Have it you’re a way                       ; Terserah kamu
-           Take it a way                                 ; Pergi sana
-           There you go                                 ; Gitu dong
-           Out of sight, out of mind             ; Jauh dimata, dekat di hati
-           Take me as I’m                              ; Terimalah aku apa adanya
-           Hold your head up                         ; Nggak usah malu – malu
-           Can I get your drink                      ; Kamu mau minum apa
-           Would do you like …..                     ; Apakah kamu suka …..
-           I like the one in green T- shirt      ; Aku suka orang yg pakai baju hijau
-           You got regard / Love from ...        ; Kamu dapat salm dari …
-           Never sleep lately                          ; Jangan tidur malam – malam
-           What the fuck                              ; Emang gue pikirin
-           Don’t take any                               ; Jaga dirimu
-           Dump a load                                   ; Buang air besar
-           That’s the boy                               ; Bagus sekali
-           May I know your fucking name      ; Boleh tau nama kamu
-           Where the fuck’ ve you been         ; Dari mana lho
-           What the God damn ya talking about damned ; Ngomong apa’an sich
-           Chow fight                                    ; Makan malam
-           You’re busy body                           ; Ingin tau aja kamu
-           Baby doll                                       ; Gadis cantik
-           Knock up                                        ; Mambangunkan
-           All root, all reet, all reat               ; Baiklah
-           Hot baby                                       ; gadis seksi
-           There you go                                 ; Kamu benar
-           Action                                           ; Kegiatan
-           Piece of cake                                 ; mudah
-           Deadly one                                    ; Sangat menentukan
-           Crucial                                          ; Penting
-           In dog house                                 ; Di cuekin
-           29Bat outta hell                                ; Secepat kilat
-           Freaked out                                   ; Marah
-           Scuz bucket                                  ; Memuakkan
-           Fudy duddy                                   ; Ketinggalan zaman
-           Figure of eight                              ; Sexy
-           Name of the game                         ; Pokok permasalahan
-           Snake in the grass                         ; Penghianat
-           Grumpy                                          ; Cerewet
-           Elope                                             ; Kawin lari
-           Cook up                                         ; Bersiaplah
-           Kitty                                             ; Kucing
-           On the point of                             ; Tujuan utama
-           Restroom                                       ; Kamar kecil
-           By word of mouth                          ; Dari mulut ke mulut
-           Be on target                                  ; Tepat pada sasarannya
-           Down in the dumps                         ; Frustasi
-           Get the message                            ; Paham
-           Take off                                       ; Pergi
-           Take it in                                      ; Istirahat
-           Slow down                                     ; Pelan – pelan
-           Plain water                                    ; Air putih
-           Eager beaver                                 ; Caper ( cari perhatian )
-           Pop the question                            ; Melamar ( Istri )
-           Real nerd / sociable                      ; Ramah
-           Drowning                                       ; Membingungkan
-           Oh fuck !                                       ; Ungkapan kecewa
-           Oh shit !                                        ; Ungkapan kecewa
-           Barn door                                      ; Selamat siang
-           Zip it up                                        ; Diamlah
-           That way                                       ; Jatuh cinta
-           30Drag in                                          ; Datang
-           Ball off                                         ; Mentraktir
-           Sweet on ( someone )                     ; Jatuh cinta
-           Attendee friend                            ; Teman tapi mesra ( TTM )
-           Good god of mine                          ; Alamak
-           Be chill                                          ; Santai aja

My fucking name's Ang ga fach


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