Rabu, 21 November 2012

prepace of speech

Respectable…………, Dear/ Happy brothers and Sisters,

Ø  First of all, let’s pray unto God the almighty who has been giving us blessing and mercies so we can meet and gather in this place without any trouble and obstacle in this happy place and time.
Ø  Secondly, I don’t forget to say thank you very much to the Master of Ceremony for giving me time to deliver my speech in front of you all.
Ø  Dear brother and sister ladies and gentlemen, Standing in front of you, I would like to present my speech under the title…………..
As we know that science is most important in our life, so we are obligated to look for science. The wise word says, life without science is like walking in the darkness without any light. By the science we can protect ourselves if someone influences us to do the wrong thing. Don’t ever let anybody deceive you! And also we want to get happiness in this world we must have science. By the science we can recognize everything in this world and by the science we can go around the world. But we must remember that science will useless if we never practice it. Keep spirit to look for science during living in this world until our breathing stops. Science knows no frontier and never too old to gain the science
Ø  That’s all my speech; I do hope/expect that what I have delivered will be useful in our live in this world and here after,
Ø  As human being, I realize that I cannot avoid from the mistakes, so I apologize to you all for every single mistake that I have done to you all, and I don’t forget to say thank you very much for your attention.
Ø  Just this speech, if I made mistakes, I apologize to you and please forgive me, that’s all….
Ø  Actually, I want to continue my speech but because the time is limited so I have to stop my speech in this morning thank you
Matthews D.s

Respectable…………, Dear/ Happy brothers and Sisters,

Ø  First of all, let’s pray unto God the almighty who has been giving us blessing and mercies so we can meet and gather in this place without any trouble and obstacle in this happy place and time.
Ø  Dear brother and sister ladies and gentlemen, Standing in front of you all, I am as Master of Ceremony would like to bring the agenda in this meeting.
·         The first agenda is…………….
·         The second agenda is………….
·         The third agenda is……………….
Ø  Dear ladies and gentlemen, those are our agenda in this meeting. Now we are going to the first agenda is opening from the Mc
Ø  The second agenda is speech by some speaker. And the first speaker, I am going to call Mr./Miss……….
·         Thanks a lot, may your speech be useful for us. Amen
Ø  The second Speaker is…………………time is yours
·         Thanks a lot, may your speech be useful for us. Amen
Ø  Matthews D.sWell, ladies and gentlemen, dear brother and sister we have enjoyed all agenda. Now we are going to the last agenda that is closing, before closing our meeting, I am as a Master of Ceremony if do some mistakes during holding this meeting I apologize for you all. Well, happy brothers and sisters, let’s close our meeting in this morning. Thank you.

The vocabularies of discussion
v  In this occasion                           : dalam kesempan ini
v  In this good opportunity                     : dalam kesempatan yang baik ini
v  I would like to express                       : aku akan mengemukakan
v  My opinion                                         : pendapat saya
v  In my opinion                                       : menurtut pendapat saya
v  I’m going to tell you about               : saka akan menceritakan tentang
v  According to ……..                              : menurut …………..
v  Based on this fact                              : berdasarkan kenyataan ini
v  Actually                                               : sebenarnya
v  hopefully                                          : mudah mudahan
v  I agree with him                          : saya setuju dengan dia
v  Be louder                                             : agak keras
v  As we know                                          : seperti yang kita ketahui
v  The next                                              : selanjutnya
v  The following turn                               : giliran, selanjutnya
v  It’s your turn                                      : ini giliran mu
v  Don’t be silent                                     : jangan diam saja
v  I admit that                                        : saya mengakhui bahwa
v  Don’t be scared!                                  : jangan takut
v  Don’t be doubt!                                    : jangan ragu ragu
v  Don’t be hesitating!                             : jangan ragu
v  Pay attention please                            : silakan diperhatikan
v  Be quite                                               : tenang
v  Don’t disturb me                                  : jangan ganggu aku
v  As long as  I know                              : sepanjang yang saya ketahui
v  As far as a know                          : sejahu yang yang ketahui
v  As good as possible                             : sebaik mungkin
v  As fair as possible                              : seadil mungkin
v  We have decided                                 : kami telah memutuskan
v  The decision is                                    : keputusannya adalah
v  At present                                           : pada saat  ini
v  Nowadays                                             : sekarang ini
v  That all my opinion                             : demikianlah pendapat saya
v  Finally/ in  the end                             : akhirnya
v  Intention                                          : niat/ maksud
v  Accurate, brief,clear                          : singkat, tepat, jelas
v  Suitable/ fit                                        : cocok/ sesuai
v  Have a go                                            : selamat berusaha
v  Deliver                                                 : menyampaikan
Matthews D.sMatthews D.s

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