Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

PHONETICS (Matthews da Silva)

The Phonetic Symbol di bagi menjadi 4, Meliputi ;

# Vowels # Final little
# Consonant # Stress

1 . Vowels / Sound /
Adalah Kegemparan yang terditeksi / di dengar oleh telinga yang di timbulkan oleh getaran udara . Vowel / Sound / Suara di bagi 3, yaitu ;

 Lax / Short ; Pendek / Cepat ; ə, e, І, Λ,
 Tense / Long ; Panjang ; ǽ, a:, 3, i:,
 Glide / Diphthong ; Sedang ; ; ei, ai, əu, iə, eə, uə,

2 . Consonant
Consonant di bagi menjadi 2, meliputi ;
# Voiceless / Letupan berat atau cepat /
Bisa di sebut No buzzing Sound. Meliputi ;
P, K, F, S, ∫, T, θ, H, T∫
# Voiced / Letupan kalem atau panjang /
Bisa di sebut Buzzing Sound. Meliputi ;
B, D, G, DЗ, I, M, N, R, V, W, J, Z, З, ð, ŋ

3 . Final little
Panjang / Santai / apabila FL Voiced
Pendek / Cepat / apabila FL Voiceless

4 . Stress [ ‘ ]

Lax / Short ;
ə ; ago, a way, Paper, Abashed, ablaze, Baboon, Await, Itc
e ; Ten, Pen, Cell, Dead, Able, Bale, Base, Itc
I ; Sit, Win, Big, Hit, Devise, Develop, Dig, Itc
Λ ; Cup, Up, Shut, Come, Drum, Drunk, Dump, Itc
; Got, Not, Mop, Dog, Doll, Dominate, Donkey, Itc
Ủ ; Put, Good, Look, Could, Push, Pussy, Rook, Itc

Tense / Long ;
ǽ ; Back, Plan, Cat, Match, Abacus, Abbot, Carat, Itc
a: ; Car, Heart, Laugh, March, Card, Arm, Scar, Itc
; Saw, Wall, Ball, Call, Scorn, Score, Daunting, Itc
U: ; Too, Moon, Mood, Moo, Room, Roof, Fool, Food, Itc
; Bird, Sir, Birth, Shirt, Fur, Gurgle, Purgatory, Itc
i: ; See, Meet, Knee, Seat, Peek, Peel, Peak, Itc

Glide / Diphthong ;
ei ; Pay, Rain, Day, Take, Fail, Baby, Itc
ai ; Bike, Wine, Nine, Night, Buy, Five, Itc
əu ; Joke, Note, Hope, Know, No, Ghost, Itc
; Boy, Join, Boil, Spoil, Coin, Point, Itc
iə ; Near, Hear, Tear, Ear, Beer, deer, Itc
eə ; Care, dare, Share, Pare, Glare, Bare, Itc
uə ; Tour, Tow, Total, Cure, curious, Pure, Itc

Voiceless ;
P ; Park, Pack, Stop, Happy, Pal, Packet, Pad, Itc
K ; Cute, Milk, Can, Cake, Call, Callus, Dark, Itc
F ; Few, Free, Deaf, Coffee, For, Fake, Fall, Itc
S ; Sing, Sun, Pass, Say, Sack, Suck, Sad, Itc
∫ ; Wish, Fashion, Cash, Sheep, Shy, She, Itc
T ; Town, Two, Time, Twice, Tab, Table, What, Itc
Θ ; Think, Birth, Thrust, Thin, Thanks, Theft, Itc
H ; Hear, Head, Behave, Who, Hell, Hair, Hack, Itc
t∫ ; Cheap, Cheese, Teacher, Rich, Teach, Chin, Itc

Voiced ;
B ; Back, Tub, Rubber, Big, Ball, Rabbit, Itc
D ; Down, Red, Did, Had, Glad, Date, Itc
G ; Gate, Gun, Got, League, Gallery, Game, Itc
d3 ; Jeep, Juice, Major, Large, Majority, Majesty, Itc
l ; Lake, Sell, Look, Leg, Kill, Little, Itc
M ; Mouse, Mine, Swim, Lamp, Germ, Maybe, Itc
N ; Name, Night, Snow, Gone, Knee, Nail, Itc
R ; Run, Rain, Write, Draw, Rail, Radio, Itc
V ; View, Over, Never, Ever, Value, Vast, Itc
W ; Wet, When, One, Once, Why, What, Itc
J ; Yellow, Year, Use, New, Used, Usual, Itc
Z ; Zeal, Size, Rise, Freezer, Is, Zero, Itc
3 ; Television, Decision, Garage, Garbage, Vision, Vestige, Itc
ð ; With, That, Other, That, Then, Thank, Itc
ŋ ; King, Wrong, Strong, Sink, Kingdom, Denigrate, Itc

Exercise For i: and I
i: i:t eat
I It it

Seat sit
Feel fill
Sheep ship
Field filled
Sleep slip
1. < a > You can’t sleep on the floor .
< b > You can’t slip on the floor .

Exercise For e and ǽ
e get get
ǽ ǽt at

Bed bad
Bend band
Guess gas
Head had
Send sand
1. < a > Drive slowly ! There’s a bend
< b > Drive slowly ! There’s a band
Exercise For ǽ and Λ
ǽ ǽt at
Λ Λp up

Bag bug
Bat but
Cat cut
Lamp lump
Hat hut
1. < a > What do you think of my hat ?
< b > What do you think of my hut ?

Exercise for Λ, and a
Λ Λp up

Bus boss
Color collar
Duck dock
Shut shot
Cut cot
1. < a > His color was blue
< b > His collar was blue
Exercise For e ei
e get get
ei get gay

Debt date
Get gate
Let late
Met mate
Men main
1. < a > Don’t for get your debts
< b > Don’t for get your date

Exercise əu and
now no
Nat not

Own on
Road rod
Won’t want
Coat cot
Hope hop

1. < a > The fish is at the end of the road
< b > The fish is at the end of the rod

PRONUNCING “ ED “ In Past Tense Verb
/ Regular Verb /
Ed from “ t “ : Di awali oleh “ VIc “ eg : Stopped : t
“ d “ : Di awali oleh “ Vc “ eg : Called : d
“ Id “ : Di awali oleh “ t or d “ eg : Needed : Id

‘ t ‘ Preceded by VL
Except / t / ‘ d ‘ Preceded by V
Except / d / ‘ Id ‘ Preceded t or d
P Stopped
K Parked
F Stuffed
S Kissed
∫ Washed
t / exception /
t∫ Watched
h / none / b Robbed
d / exception /
g Begged
d3 Changed
I Killed
m Climbed
n Opened
r Prepared
v Loved
w Showed
j Destroyed
z Buzzed
3 Massaged
ð Breathed
ŋ Belonged
t Tempted / waited

d Demanded

Past Tense

 Listen Listened
 Study Studied
 Help Helped
 Stop Stopped
 Ask Asked
 Live Lived
 Watch Watched
 Walk Walked
 Spend Spent
 Elect Elected
 Demand Demanded
 Need Needed
 Want Wanted

Connected Speech Makes Past Tense Clear
Watched her / Watch – ter
Planned It / Plan – did
Waited Until / Waited – duntil
Asked him / Ask – tim
Spent it / Spend – tit
Stopped at / Stop – tat
Walked away / Walk – taway
Worked until / Work – tuntil
Looked after / Look – tafter
Lived at / Live – dat
THE Pronunciation of / to /

1. Certain verbs and adjective are followed by infinitives. After most of them, the to is commonly linked to the verb and said with a little bit of voicing ( it sound like a week / d / )
Plan to live Sorry to hear Able to swim
Try to go Lucky to win Happy to come

Weren’t you planning to leave early ?
Did you decide to stay home ?

2. After verbs and adjectives ending in a voiceless sound, the to is pronounced with no breath of air. ( but it remains voiceless and sounds like / a / t / )
Hope to come Used to Lived Supposed to go
Like to see Have to leave Wants to work

Aren’t you supposed to be at work ?
How long do you expect to be ?

3. Before a verb, going to is often pronounced / /. Want to is commonly said as / /
I’m not going to go Do you want to come ?

The contraction of ‘ To ‘
- Want to :
- Going to :
- Have to :
- Has to :
- Have gotto :
In short answer and substitute Sentence, the to is pronounced /tu: /

Is he going ? Would you like to go ?


 Did he ? Didee ?
 Does he ? Duzzy ?
 Was he ? Wuzzy ?
 Has he ? Hazzy ?
 Is he ? Izzy ?
 Will he ? Willy ?
 Would he ? Woody ?
 Can he ? Canny ?
 Wouldn’t you ? Wooden chew ?
 Shouldn’t I ? Shudn nai ?
 Didn’t he ? Didn knee ?
 Hasn’t he ? Has knee ?
 Wouldn’t he ? Wooden knee ?
 Isn’t he ? Is a knee ?
 Isn’t it ? Is a nit ?
 Doesn’t it ? Duzza nit ?
 Aren’t I ? Are nai ?
 Won’t you ? Wone chew ?
 Don’t you ? Done chew ?
 Can’t you ? Can chew ?
 Could you ? Cujoo ?
 Would you ? Wujoo ?

Pronouncing “ S “

“ S “ Proceeded by voiceless consonant = “ S “

Eg : Lips / lips /, Hats / hǽts /, Jokes / d3əuks /

Eg : Mops / /, Kicks / kiks /, Beats / bi:ts /

Eg : Robert’s / /, Afif’s / afIfs /, a Cat’s eye / ə cǽts ai /

Eg : It’s / its /,What’s / /,That’s / ðǽts /

“ Z “ Proceeded by voiced and vowel = “ Z “

Eg : Caves / keivz /,Labs / lǽbz /,Clothes / kləuðz /

Eg : Needs /ni:dz /,Brings / briŋz /,Seems / si:mz /

Eg : Tom’s / /,Dani’s / dǽniz /, Tom’s computer / /

Eg : There’s / ðeərz /,He’s / hi:z /, She’s / ∫i:z /
My name is / ma neim iz

Pronouncing “ of / off “
Of ; ə / əv
Bisa di baca ( əv ) apabila setelah of huruf vocal, dan di baca ( ə ) apabila setelah off huruf consonant.

Eg :
Get out of my face
I’m sick of you
I’m kind of sick of you
What a lot of rot you talk

Off ;
Eg :
Just knock it off
You must be out off your mind
Pronouncing “ Have “

Have ; Jelas
- Diakhir kalimat
- Diawal kalimat
- Menjadi Verb Ordinary

Eg ; - Yes I have
- I have a lot of money
- Have you taken Shower


Don’t Speak Word by Word.

Eg : You – are, Go – a way

Do – it , You – and I

Eg : The – end , The – only

She – ever, I – Understand

Eg : Get – out, Out – of

Eg : What was, That was

Eg ; Don’t – you, Won’t – you, Not – yet

Can I get you a drink, What your name ?

Eg ; Did – you, Would – you

Did – you see it, Would – you like it

Eg ; I miss – you

Yes – you are, Bless – you

Eg : How’s – your family

Who does – your hair

Eg : Come – on, Hold – on,Feel – ok

The American “ T “

1. T is “ T “

- At the beginning of word ;
Eg ; Time takes ten times to try
- In the middle of word “ Primary stress “
Eg ; I’talian, Photography

- Replace “ d “ in past tense preceded by “ Vic “
Eg ; Stopped, Stressed, Helped
- In “ CT, TR, TS, FT, PT, Sometime NT Combination
Eg ; Contract, Lift, First, Tempt, Elect

2. T is Soft “ d “ / Japanese R /

- In the middle of word / weak stress
Eg ; Italy, Photograph, Atom
- In Karina’s T- connections < T + Vowel = d >
Eg ; Get out ! Get up ! Shut up ! Get in !

3. T is Held / ditahan /

- At the end of word
Eg ; Hot, Not, Got
- In < T + Consonant except / j / >
Eg ; Mountain, Sentence, Written
- In Syllabic “ N “
Eg ; Student, Garden

4. T is Mute / Silent /
- After “ N “ With Lax vowel
Eg ; Internet, Interview, Twenty, Printer, Advantage


Intonation adalah Suara yang bisa mengatur nada tinggi rendahnya suatu kalimat.
For example ;

o Here is my bike
o Good morning
o Hallo Sir
o But I hope

1. Here is my bike

2. Good morning

3. Hallo Sir

4. But I hope

Common Contractions Used by American
o a bunch of ; a buncha - did you ; didja
o a couple of ; a coupla - don’t know ; dunno
o kind of ; kinda - give me ; gimme
o lost of ; lotsa - going to ; gonna
o most of ; mosta - got to ; gotta
o sick of ; sicka - leave me ; lee me
o rid of ; ridda - let me ; lemme
o sort of ; sorta - must have ; musta
o had better ; better - out of ; outta
o come on ; C’ mon - want to ; wanna
o could have ; coulda - what do you ; whaddya
o could not have ; couldna - don’t you ; donchew
o should have ; shoulda
o should not have ; shouldna
o would have ; woulda
o would not ha ; wouldna


Hello, My name is ………………… I’m talking American accent training. There’s a lot to learn but I hope to make it as enjoyable as possible I should pick up on the American Intonation pattern pretty easily, although the only way to get it is to practice all of the time. I use the up and down, or peaks and valleys, Intonation more than I used to I’ve been paying attention to pitch. Too, It’s like walking down a staircase I’ve been talking to a lot of American lately and they tell me that I’m easier to Understand. Anyway, I could go on and on, but the important thing is to listen well and Sound good. Well, What d’you think ? Do I ?

Hello, Ma nei miz …………………… I’m takingə merica naeccent (t ) raining. There zə latte learn bə dai həup t’ ma ki desen joyablez passible. I shud pi kəpan the (y) əmirica nintənash’n pǽddern pridy (y) ezil (y) although thee (y) only waydə geddidiz t’ prǽkti salləv th’ taim. I (y) use thee (y) up’n down or peak s’n valley zintənashən more thə nai used to. Ivbn payingə tenshən t’ pitch tu: . itzlai kwalking dow nə staircase. Ivbn talking to (w) ə laddəvə merican zla (l) ely n’ the tell me the daimeezier to (w) understand. Anyway I could go (w) a nə nan bu (t) thee (y) important thingiz t’ lisənwəllən soun (d) good. Well, Whaddyu think ? Do (w) ai ?

Don’t Speak Word by Word


Aturan – aturanNya ;

1. U + Vowel = W
o You are - To open
o Go a way - Go anywhere
o Do it - Do I
o You and I are - Don’t you do it

2. I + Vowel = Y
o The end - She isn’t
o The only - They are
o She ever - She always
o I understand - I also need the other one

3. T + Vowel = R / D
o Get out - But I get one
o Out of - Give it a try
o But I’m here - Take it away

4. T + Consonant = Held
o What was - I can’t wait for your
o That was - We don’t know what to do
o Get one
o Sit down

5. T + Y = t∫ ( ch / c )
o Don’t you - Can I get you a drink ?
o Won’t you - Can’t you do it ?
o Not yet - Don’t you like it ?
o What your name ? - I’ ll let you know

6. D + Y = d3 ( j )
o Did you - How did you like it
o Would you - Did you find it
o Had your - Did you see it
o Could you tell - Would you like it

7. S + Y = ∫ ( sh )
o I miss you
o Yes you are
o Bless you
o I’ ll try to guess you age

8. Z + Y = 3 ( zh )
o How’s your family
o Where’s your mom ?

o How was your class today ?
o Who does your hair
o When’ s your birthday ?
o Who’s your friend ?

9. Consonant + Vowel
o Come on - Come in
o Feel ok - LA ( Los Angeles )
o Hold on - Read only
o Turn over - Follow up on
o Take out - My name is
o Pick up on the American Intonation

10. θ / ð + Consonant = Blend to
o With lemon
o Both day
o With zeal
o With juice

11. H + Preceded by verb or Aux are usually silent
o Did he
o Tell her
o Keep her
o Ask him
o Kill her


1. - Of = ə
Apabila setelah of berbunyi Consonant.
For example ;
o Get out of my Fucking face
o What a lot of rot you talk ?
o I’m kind of better
o I’m sick of you
o I’m kind of sick of you
o It’s none of your business
o I think that decision is of sound mind

- Of = əv
Apabila setelah of berbunyi Vowel
For example ;
o I’m sick of Ana
o Get out of here
o To a lot of Americans
o Some of them
o All of them
o First of all
o I’m sure this letter is of account for himself

2. Off =
For example ;
o Just knock it off
o Switch off the lamp
o Is he off his head ?
o I think he is not off his nut


o Di awal kalimat
o Di akhir kalimat
o Menjadi verb ordinary

For example ;
- Have you ever been here ?
- Yes I have
- I don’t have girl friend
- I have a lot of money
- I got Girlfriend


1. Modal + Have + V3
For example ;
- I should have gone - I’ll have been calling you
- I could have been here - You may have been there

2. Modal + Not + Have + V3
For example ;
- You should not have been called
- I may not have been here
- I’ll not have been here
- I may not have been there

Consist Noun Stress In Changing Verb Tenses

Eat 1. The dogs eat the bones
Ate 2. The dogs ate the bones
Are eating 3. The dogs’ re eating the bones
Will eat 4. The dogs’ ll eat the bones ( If ....)
Would eat 5. The dogs’ d eat the bones ( If .... )
Would have eaten 6. The dogs’ d’ ve eaten the bones ( If …. )
That have eaten 7. The dogs’ that’ ve eaten the bones
Have eaten 8. The dogs’ ve eaten the bones
Had eaten 9. The dogs’ d eaten the bones
Will have eaten 10. The dogs’ ll’ ve eaten the bones
Ought to eat 11. The dogs ought to eat the bones
Should eat 12. The dogs should eat the bones
Should not eat 13. The dogs shouldn’t eat the bones
Should have eaten 14. The dogs should’ ve eaten the bones
Should not have 15. The dogs shouldn’t ve eaten the bones
Could eat 16. The dogs could eat the bones
Could not eat 17. The dogs couldn’t eat the bones
Could have eaten 18. The dogs could’ve eaten the bones
Could not have 19. The dogs could’ t ve eaten the bones
Might eat 20. The dogs might eat the bones
Might have eaten 21. The dogs might’ ve eaten the bones
Must eat 22. The dogs must eat the bones
Must have eaten 23. The dogs must’ ve eaten the bones
Can eat 24. The dogs can eat the bones
Can’t eat 25. The dogs can’t eat the bones


Acronym Pronunciation Acronym Pronunciation
IBM Eye Bee Em FBI Eff Bee Aye
MIT Em Eye Tee USMC You Ess Em See
Ph. D Pee Aitch Dee COD See Oh Dee
MBA Em Bee εi SOS Ess Oh ess
LA Eh Lay X. Y .Z Ex. Why. Zee
IQ Aye kyu
RSVP Are Ess Vee Pee
TV Tee Vee
USA You Ess εi
ASAP ei Ess εi Pee
CIA See Aye εi

Spelling Pronunciation
Box Bee Oh Ex
Cook See Oh Oh Kay
Wilson Dubba You Eye El Ess Oh En

Number Pronunciation
Area code 213
Zip code 94708
Date 9 / 6 / 62
Phone number 555 – 9132

Word Connections

Exercise ; T, D, S or Z + Y Liaisons.

1. T + Y = CH

o What your name
o Can’t you do it
o Actually
o Don’t you like it
o Wouldn’t you
o Haven’t you ? No, Not yet

o I’ll let you know
o Can I get you a drink ?
o We thought you weren’t coming
o I’ll bet you ten bucks he forgot
o Is that your final answer ?

2. D + Y = d3 ( j )

o Did you see it
o How did you like it
o Could you tell ?
o Where did you send your check ?
o What did your family think ?
o Did you find your keys ?
o We followed your instructions

3. S + Y = ∫ ( sh )

o Yes, You are
o Bless you
o I miss you
o Press your hands together
o Can you dress yourself ?
o You can pass your exams this year
o I’ll try to guess your age
o Let him gas your car for you

4. Z + Y = з ( zh )

o How’s your family ?
o How was your trip ?
o Who’s your friend ?
o Where’s your mom ?
o When’s your birthday ?
o She says you’re OK
o Who does your hair ?

Spelling and Number Connection
For example ;

 LA ( Los Angles ) / Eh lay /
 902 - 5050 / Nai no too fai vo fai vo /

Penyambungan Vowel / Consonant

o Hold on / hol don /
o Turn over / turn over /
o Tell her I miss her / teller ai miser /
o Read only / ree donly /
o Fall off / fa laff /
o Follow up on / fallo wə pan /
o Come in / cə min /

o Call him / ca lim /
o Sell it / se li /
o Take out / tei kaut /
o Fade away / fa də way /
o 6 – 0 / sik so /
o MA / eh may /

Penyambungan Vowel / Vowel

o Go away / gəu (w) a way /
o I also need the other one / I (y) also ni:d the (y) other one
o She isn’t / ∫i: (y) isn’t /
o Who is / huu (w) iz /
o Go anywhere / gəu (w) anywhere /
o So honest / so (w) anest /
o Through our / through (w) ar /
o You are / yu (w) ər /
o He is / hi: (y) iz
o Do I / do (w) ai /
o I asked / ai (y) asked /
o To open / tə (w) open /
o She always / ∫i: (y) aweez /
o Too often / tu: (w) aften /

Penyambungan Consonant / Consonant

o Hard times / hardtimes /
o With luck / withluck /
o Business deal / businen sdeal /
o Credit check / credi (t) check /
o The top file / the topfile /
o Sell nine new cars / sellnine newcars /
o Sit down / sitdown /
o Some plans need luck / someplan znee dluck /

W, H, And Yes, No Question

o W. H
Intonasinya naik turun di akhir kalimat
For example ;

 What are you doing ?
 How are you ?
 Where have you been ?
o Yes, No
Intonasinya naik terus di akhir kalimat
For example ;

 Are you OK ?
 Is this yours ?


o I have got to go / I’ve gotta go /
o I have got a book / I’ve gotta book /
o Let me go / Lemme go /
o I’ll let you know / I’ll lechew know /
o Did you do it ? / dija do (w) it /
o Not yet / na chet /
o I’ll meet you later / I’ll meechu layder /
o What do you think ? / Whaddyu think /
o What did you do with it ? / whajoo do with it /
o How did you like it ? / howja like it /
o When did you get it ? / when ju geddit /
o Why don’t you take it ? / whyju tay kit /
o What are you waiting for ? / whaddya waitin’ for /
o What are you doing ? / whatcha doin’ /
o How is it doing ? / howzit goin’ /
o How about it ? / how ‘bout it /
o What are you going to do ? / whatcha honna do /
o What are you want to do ? / whatcha wanna do /
o Did you eat ? / jeet /
o No, Did you ? / no, joo /
o Why don’t you get a job ? / whyncha getta job /
o I don’t know, It’s too hard / I dunno, stoo hard /
o Could we go ? / kwee gəu /
o Let’s go ! / sko ! /


1. T is “ T “
- At the beginning of word ;
Eg ; Tomy takes ten times to try
- In the middle of word “ Primary stress “
Eg ; I’talian, Photography
- Replace “ d “ in past tense preceded by “ Vic “
Eg ; Stopped, Stressed, Helped
- In “ CT, TR, TS, FT, PT, Sometime NT Combination
Eg ; Contract, Lift, First, Tempt, Elect

2. T is Soft “ d “ / Japanese R /
- In the middle of word / weak stress
Eg ; Italy, Photograph, Atom
- In Karina’s T- connections < T + Vowel = d >
Eg ; Get out ! Get up ! Shut up ! Get in !

3. T is Held / ditahan /
- At the end of word
Eg ; Hot, Not, Got, Get
- In < T + Consonant except / j / >
Eg ; Mountain, Sentence, Written, Bitten, forgotten
- In Syllabic “ N “
Eg ; Student, Garden

4. T is Mute / Silent /
- After “ N “ With Lax vowel
Eg ; Internet, Interview, Twenty, Printer, Advantage, International,
Enter, Printout.

Penyambungan Dengan Kombinasi TH

TH Combination ; 1. TH = Posisi lidah di depan
2. Consonant = Posisi lidah di belakang

For example ;

 th + L = With lemon
 th + n =With nachos
 th + t = Both times
 th + d = With delivery
 th + s = Both sizes
 th + z = With zeal
 th + ch = Both charges
 th + j = With juice

 n + th = In the
 z + th = Was that
 d + th = Hid those


Hello, My name is …………………… I’m talking American accent training. There’s a lot to learn but I hope to make it as enjoyable as possible I should pick up on the American Intonation pattern pretty easily, although the only way to get it is to practice all of the time. I use the up and down, or peaks and valleys, Intonation more than I used to I’ve been paying attention to pitch. Too, It’s like walking down a staircase I’ve been talking to a lot of American lately and they tell me that I’m easier to Understand. Anyway, I could go on and on, but the important thing is to listen well and Sound good. Well, What d’you think ? Do I ?

Hello, Ma nei miz …………………… I’m takingə merica naeccent (t ) raining. There zə latte learn bə dai həup t’ ma ki desen joyablez passible. I shud pi kəpan the (y) əmirica nintənash’n pǽddern pridy (y) ezil (y) although thee (y) only waydə geddidiz t’ prǽkti salləv th’ taim. I (y) use thee (y) up’n down or peak s’n valley zintənashən more thə nai used to. Ivbn payingə tenshən t’ pitch tu: . itzlai kwalking dow nə staircase. Ivbn talking to (w) ə laddəvə merican zla (l) ely n’ the tell me the daimeezier to (w) understand. Anyway I could go (w) a nə nan bu (t) thee (y) important thingiz t’ lisənwəllən soun (d) good. Well, Whaddyu think ? Do (w) ai ?

 Tooth paste ; Pasta gigi
 Tooth brush ; Sikat gigi
 Soap ; Sabun
 Basket ; Keranjang
 Towel ; Handuk
 Toilet tissue ; Tisu toilet
 Dipper ; Gayung
 Shampoo ; Sampo
 Water ; Air
 Take a shower ; Mandi
 Dry ; Menjemur
 Take a bath ; Mandi
 Detergent ; Deterjen
 Tap ; Kran
 Soap dish ; Tempat sabun
 Bucket ; Ember
 Wipe ; Mengelap
 Wash ; Mencuci
 Rinse the mouth ; Berkumur
 Iron ; Setrika
 Well ; Sumur, Mata air
 Soak ; Merendam
 Pipe ; Pipa
 Bleach ; Pemutih
 Bath mat ; Keset kamar mandi
 Drain the tub ; Menguras bak mandi
 Water pump ; Pompa air
 Washing brush ; Sikat cuci
 Wash one’s hear ; Keramas
 Take a ritual ablution ; Wudlu

 Pillow ; Bantal
 Carpet ; Karpet
 Mirror ; Cermin
 Glass ; Kaca
 Cotton ; Kapas, Kain kapas
 Bed ; Tempat tidur
 Divan ; Ranjang tidur
 Blanket ; Selimut
 Bed caver ; Seprei
 Bolster ; Guling
 Comb ; Sisir
 Wake up ; Bangun
 Stay up ; Begadang
 Imagine ; Berhayal
 Hope ; Berharap
 Dance ; Menari
 Dream ; Bermimpi
 Fold up ; Melipat
 Ribbon / Tape ; Pita
 Grooming ; Dandan
 Sleep ; Tidur
 Lay fart ; Buang angin
 Sing ; Menyanyi
 Pile up ; Melamun
 Embrace ; Memeluk
 Tidy up ; Merapikan
 Lie down ; Berbaring
 Bed room ; Kamar tidur
 Window ; Jendela
 Talk in the sleep ; Mengigau

 Taste ; Merasakan, Mencicipi
 Kick ; Menendang
 Leap ; Lompatan
 Look ; Melihat
 Yawn ; Menguap
 Talk ; Berbicara
 Squat ; Berjongkok
 Sneeze ; Bersin
 Wink ; Berkedip
 Starting ; Menatap
 Look up ; Mendongak
 Suck ; Menghisap
 Lick ; Menjilat
 Wave ; Lambaian
 Big hand ; Tepuk tangan
 Jump ; Melompat
 Turn around ; Menoleh
 Round up ; Menggaruk
 Crooked ; Membungkuk
 Spittle ; Meludah
 Bite ; Mengigit
 Pinch ; Mencubit
 Swallow ; Menelan
 Chew ; Mengunyah
 Hiccup ; Cegukan
 Shake head ; Bergeleng
 Loiter ; Keliaran
 Mumble ; Banyak omong
 Stand on tiptoes ; Jinjit

 Head ; Kepala
 Hair ; Rambut
 Ear ; Telinga
 Face ; Muka / Wajah
 Neck ; Leher
 Chin ; Dagu
 Cheek ; Pipi
 Lips ; Bibir
 Eye ; Mata
 Eyelid ; Kelopak mata
 Eyelash ; Bulu mata
 Eyeball ; Bola mata
 Eyebrow ; Alis mata
 Nose ; Hidung
 Mouth ; Mulut
 Tongue ; Lidah
 Tooth ; Gigi
 Jaw ; Rahang
 Beard ; Janggut
 Gum ; Gusi
 Molar ; Geraham
 Dimple ; Lesung pipi
 Tear ; Air mata
 Chest ; Dada
 Novel ; Pusar
 Hip ; Pinggul
 Waist ; Pinggang
 Back ; Punggung
 Foot ; Kaki
 Arm ; Lengan

 Kitchen ; Dapur
 Stove ; Kompor
 Plate ; Piring
 Pan ; Panci
 Match, Lighter ; Korek api
 Fork ; Garpu
 Bowl ; Mangkok
 Glass ; Gelas
 Cup ; Cangkir
 Bottle ; Botol
 Candle ; Lilin
 Refrigerator ; Lemari es
 Knife ; Pisau
 Cabinet ; Lemari kecil
 Sink ; Bak cuci piring
 Dining table ; Meja makan
 Gas stove ; Kompor gas
 Frying pan ; Wajan
 Rice cooker ; Penanak nasi
 Chopper ; Pisau rajang
 Bamboo Steamer ; Kukusan
 Chopping block ; Papan rajang
 Spice container ; Tempat bumbu
 Thermos ; Termos
 Grater ; Parut
 Wall cupboard ; Lemari dinding
 Grinder ; Alat penggiling
 Mixer ; Alat pengaduk
 Toaster ; Pemanggang
 LPG ; Liquid Petroleum Gas / Isi ulang gas /

 Flag ; Bendera
 Clock ; Jam
 Uniform ; Seragam
 Bench ; Kursi panjang
 Desk ; Meja
 Chair ; Kursi
 Table ; Meja
 Chalk ; Kapur
 Eraser ; Penghapus
 Blackboard ; Papan tulis
 Bag ; Tas
 Book ; Buku
 Map ; Peta
 Glue ; Lem
 Pins ; Penjepit
 Belt ; Sabuk
 Water color ; Cat air
 Pencil ; Pensil
 Paper ; Kertas
 Note book ; Buku catatn
 Hall ; Aula
 Crayon ; Pensil warna
 Classroom ; Ruang kelas
 Bell ; Lonceng
 Ruler ; Penggaris
 Signboard ; Papan nama
 Canteen ; Kantin
 Compass ; Jangka
 Flagpole ; Tiang bendera
 Brush ; Kuas
 Tie ; Dasi
 Microscope ; Mikroskop

 Tourism place ; Tempat wisata
 Waterfall ; Air terjun
 Mountain ; Gunung
 Guide ; Pemandu
 Sea ; Laut
 Ship ; Kapal
 Temple ; Candi
 Museum ; Musium
 Holiday ; Liburan
 Beach ; Pantai
 Spend ; Menghabiskan
 Enjoy ; Menikmati
 Enjoyment ; Kenikmatan
 Island ; Pulau
 Lake ; Danau
 Cave ; Gua
 Coral ; Batu karang
 Seashore ; Tepi laut
 Scenery ; Pemandangan
 Spring water ; Mata air
 Weir ; Bendungan
 Wave ; Ombak
 Stream ; Sungai kecil
 Storm ; Badai
 Spring air ; Mata angin
 Cruise ship ; Kapal pesiar
 Fishing boat ; Kapal nelayan
 Fisherman ; Nelayan
 Sail ; Berlayar
 Sea rover ; Bajak laut

 Remind ; Mengingatkan
 Raise ; Mengangkat, Menaikkan
 Study / Learn ; Belajar
 Practice ; Praktis
 Ask ; Bertanya, Meminta
 Some times ; Kadang - kadang
 Drop in ; Mampir
 Determine ; Menentukan, Menetapkan
 Catch ; Menangkap, Tangkapan, Mengejar
 Tease ; Menggoda
 Gold digger ; Mata duitan
 Match maker ; Mak comblang
 Keep doing ; Selalu
 Shut up ; Diam
 Disturb ; Mengganggu
 Forked ; Simpang lima
 Gambling ; Judi
 More and less ; Kurang lebih
 Dependence ; Ketergantungan
 Based on ; Yang di dasarkan pada
 Postpone ; Menunda, Menangguhkan
 Pregnant ; Hamil
 Deny ;Menyangkal
 Hide ; Bersembunyi, Menyembunyikan
 Hite ; Benci
 Beat ; Berdebar
 Cooperation ; Kerjasama
 Acquire ; Mendapat, Memperoleh
 Intention ; Kehendak, Maksud
 Health ; Kesehatan
 Find out ; Menemukan
 Pay ; Penjual
 Sell ; Pembeli
 Customer ; Pelanggan
 State ; Menyatakan, Negara bagian
 Influence ; Pengaruh, Mempengaruhi
 Effect ; Dampak
 Responsible ; Bertanggung jawab
 Shine ; Terang
 Stay ; Tinggal
 Respond ; Menjawab, Bereaksi
 Repeat ; Mengulang
 Resist ; Lapisan pelindung
 Report ; Laporan
 Surprise ; Kejutan
 Save ; Menyimpan
 Better ; Lebih baik
 Worse ; Lebuh buruk
 Zeal ; Semangat
 Wait ; Menunggu
 Similar ; Mirip
 Important ; Penting
 Move ; Geser
 Cancel ; Membatalkan
 Different ; Berbeda, Lain
 Choose ; Memilih
 Refuse ; Menolak, Menampik, Sampah
 Accompany ; Menemani
 Receive ; Menerima, Mendapat
 Take ; Ambil, Mengambil
 Custom ; Kebiasaan, Adat
 During ; Selama, Pada waktu
 Lock ; Mengunci
 Healthy ; Sehat
 Private ; Pribadi
 Quiet ; Tenang
 Raw ; Mentah, Kasar
 Bright ; Terang, Cemerlang, Cerdas, Riang
 Win ; Pemenang
 Dark ; Gelap
 Spread ; Menyebarkan, Penyebaran
 Serve ; Melayani
 Company ; Perusahaan
 Wise ; Bijaksana
 Chose ; Memilih
 Change ; Merubah
 Same ; Sama
 Differentiate ; Membedakan
 Bring ; Membawa
 Push ; Mendorong, Dorongan
 Devote ; Mempersembahkan
 Admit ; Mengakui
 Accuse ; Menuduh, Menyalahkan
 Apply for ; Melamar ( Job / Kerja )
 Accent ; Logat
 Stimulate ; Merangsang, Memberi semangat
 Rather ; Agak, Cukup, Lebih baik
 Arrange ; Mengatur, Merencanakan, Menyetujui
 Point ; Petunjuk, Ujung
 Operator ; Operator
 Look after ; Merawat
 Take away ; Mengantar
 Climb ; Memanjat, Mendaki, Menaiki
 Between ; Antara
 Consist of ; Terdiri dari
 Glad ; Gembira
 Happen ; Terjadi
 Expect ; Membuktikan
 Scholarship ; Beasiswa
 Kind ; Baik hati
 Meet ; Bertemu
 Treat ; Mentraktir
 Use ; Menggunakan
 Friendly ; Ramah tamah
 Impolite ; Tidak sopan
 Fact ; Fakta, Kenyataan
 Angry ; Marah
 Patient ; Sabar
 Nervous ; Grogi
 Suitable ; Cocok
 Arrogant ; Sombong
 Prove ; Membuktikan
 Skill ; Kemampuan
 Mistake ; Kesalahan
 Afraid ; Takut
 Utilize ; Memanfaatkan
 Damp ; Kelembapan
 Pale ; Pucat, Menjadi pucat
 Fair ; Adil
 Easy ; Mudah
 Difficult ; Sulit
 Think ; Berpikir
 Secret ; Rahasia
 Wish ; Harapan, Keinginan, Mengharap
 In front of ; Di depan
 By the way ; Ngomong - ngomong
 Actually ; Sebenarnya
 For about ; Kira - kira
 Soon ; Segera
 Unfortunately ; Sayangnya
 Really ; Sungguh
 Of course ; Tentu, Pasti
 Expert ; Ahli
 Exist ; Ada, Hidup
 Confused ; Bingung
 Give up ; Menyerah
 Try ; Mencoba
 Keep ; Menjaga
 Send ; Mengirim
 Deliver ;Menyampaikan
 Share ; Bagian, Mambagi
 Respect ; Hormat, Menghormati
 Approach ; Mendekati
 Just now ; Barusan
 Arrive ; Tiba
 Advise ; Menasehati
 Apologize ; Minta maaf
 Advice ; Nasehat
 Make a date ; Pacaran
 Explain ; Menjelaskan
 Entertain ; Hiburan
 Examine ; Menguji
 Fight ; Berkelahi
 Hope ; Berharap
 Form ; Bentuk, Membentuk
 Forgive ; Memaafkan
 Guess ; Menerka, Perkiraan, Taksiran
 Steal ; Mencuri
 Hide ; Bersembunyi, Menyembunyikan
 Gather ; Berkumpul, Mengumpulkan
 Thief ; Pencuri, Maling
 Pick pocket ; Pencopet
 There is / are ; Ada
 Taste ; Rasa, Merasakan
 Trust ; Mempercayai
 Ugly ; Jelek, Buruk
 Useful ; Berguna
 Turn ; Belok
 Use less ; Menggunakan lebih sedikit
 Wing ; sayap
 Wood ; Kayu
 Swing ; Berayun
 Voice ; Suara
 Elect ; Memilih
 Force ; Memaksa, Paksaan
 Tame ; Jinak, Menjinakkan
 Value ; Nilai
 Without ; Tanpa
 Remember ; Ingat, Mengingat

- Know what I’m saying ; Paham
- Just knock it of ; Jalanin aja dulu
- Just let me see ; Mohon di dengar
- Lips service ; Basa – basi
- Let the good times rool ; Mari bersenang – senang
- Like a hell ; Tidak mungkin
- My fact ; Aku nggak percaya
- More or less ; Kira – kira
- May I be honest to you ; Bolehkah saya berterus terang
- Once and for all finally ; Sekali untuk selama nya
- Over my dead body ; Langkahi dulu mayatku
- Shame on you ; Memalukan
- Son of a bitch ; Anjing loch
- Take it or leave it ; Mau apa nggak
- Take my word for it ; Percayalah pada saya
- There you go ; Nah gitu dong
- That’s it ; Cukup sekian
- The hell with you ; Persetan denganmu
- The pleasure is mine ; Senang jumpa denganmu
- Whoops ; Eeeiiiittt
- What are you getting at ; Apa maksudmu
- What the hell is it ; apa – apaan nich
- Watch your language ; Jangan ngomong sembarangan
- Wish me luck ; Do’akan aku berhasil
- What’s going on ; Ada apa
- You’re telling me ; Memang
- You’re full of ideas ; ada – ada saja kamu
- You’ve something in your mind ; Sedang memikirkan sesuatu
- You’re a smart elect ; Sok tau loch
- You’re something else ; Kamu bisa aja
- For real ; Yang bener aja
- What the hell who cares ; Emangnya gue pikirin
- I don’t want to give a shit ; Nggak peduli ah
- One day ; Suatu hari nanti
- Someday ; Kapan – kapan
- Maybe later ; Mungkin nanti
- Ever since ; Sejak saat itu
- Come on over ; Kesinilah
- Come over, Come by, Drop by ; Mampir
- Stick around ; Jangan kemana – mana
- Listen up ; Dengerin ya
- Spend the time ; Menghabiskan waktu
- Hot spot ; Tempat menarik
- Personal friend ; Teman dekat
- Make a friend ; Berteman
- Have a little talk ; Ngobrol
- Share ; Bertukar pikiran, Curhat
- Joke around ; Bergurau
- It’s bitchin’ day ; Hari yg menyebalkan /
- Where are you headed ; Mau kemana
- I want to take a walk ; Aku mau jalan – jalan
- I want to hang out ; Aku mau ngeceng
- Watch your step ; Liat – liat dong kalau jalan
- I’m cloud in the air ; Aku gembira sekali
- You are such a wimp ; Kamu cengeng banget
- Never playing with the boogers ; Jangan ngupil dong
- Don’t rush me ; Jangan pakssa aku
- You must be out of your mind ; Kamu itu gila ya
- Let’s blow this join ; Cabut yuk
- Treat women with respect ; Hormatilah wanita
- Is that’s so ; Oh begitu ya
- You drive me crazy ; Kamu membuatku bingung
- How long you’ve got here ; Berapa lama kamu sampai sini
- Love doesn’t mean to possess ; Cinta tak harus memiliki
- No love before meeting ; Tak kenal maka tak sayang
- I can’t wait to see you ; Gitu lebih baik
- See what I mean ; Ngerti nggak sich
- Hang on thigh ; Pegangan yang kuat
- More and more ….. ; Makin lama makin …..
- What’s more ; Apa lagi
- Beside that ; Disamping itu
- To be or no ; Jadi nggak nich
- Have it you’re a way ; Terserah kamu
- Take it a way ; Pergi sana
- There you go ; Gitu dong
- Out of sight, out of mind ; Jauh dimata, dekat di hati
- Take me as I’m ; Terimalah aku apa adanya
- Hold your head up ; Nggak usah malu – malu
- Can I get your drink ; Kamu mau minum apa
- Would do you like ….. ; Apakah kamu suka …..
- I like the one in green T- shirt ; Aku suka orang yg pakai baju hijau
- You got regard / Love fro ... ; Kamu dapat salm dari …
- Never sleep lately ; Jangan tidur malam – malam

- That so must go on ; Yang berlalu biarlah beerlalu
- Speak of the devil, There you are ; Panjang umur Loe, Baru ja dibicarakan
- Rob peter to pay Paul ; Gali lubang tutup lubang
- Remember me to Ariel ; Sampaikan salamku ke Ariel
- No lip from you ; Nggak usah mengelak
- No likely ; Sepertinya tidak
- May I be honest to you ; Bolehkah saya berterus terang ama kamu
- Love me the way I’m ; Cintailah aku apa adanya
- Just don’t take it hard ; Gitu ja kok repot
- Keep your chin up ; Tabahkanlah hatimu
- I don’t want to see us apart ; Aku tak ingin melihat kita berpisah
- It sure is ? ; Yang bener aja
- I don’t want to be with you ; Aku hanya ingin bersamamu
- Hold on Guys ! ; Tunggu dulu
- I don’t want to let you down ; Aku tak ingin mengecewakanmu
- Have a good time ; Selamat bersenang - senang
- God only knows ; Hanya Tuhan yang tahu
- Fancy meeting you here ; Nggak terbayang ketemu kamu di sini
- Everything has been over ; Semuanya sudah berakhir
- I dunno a shit ; Aku nggak tahu apa – apa
- I’ll stand by you ; Aku akan mendukungmu
- So do I ; Begitu juga dengan saya
- Could you help me ? ; Bisa Bantu aku
- On the other hand ; Disisi lain
- Make yourself at home ; Anggap aja rumah sendiri
- I can’t take my eyes off you ; Aku tak bisa berpaling darimu
- Calm down Sweaty ; Tenang dong sayang
- Reap what you show ; Rasain tuch
- Can I help you ? ; Bisa aku Bantu
- Strike the iron while it’s hot ; Jika ada kesempatan jangan di sia-siakan
- Necessity is the key of success ; Kesungguhan adalah kunci kesuksesan
- I’m gonna pass out soon ; Aku segera keluar
- Give me a buzz ? ; Kabari aku ya
- You’re hopeless ; Payah kamu
- Have a go ; Selamat mencoba
- You can’t let me down ; Kamu nggak boleh mengecewakan aku
- Stop babying yourself ; Jangan manjain dirimu
- Think my prestige ! ; Gengsi dong
- Come off it man ; Jangan berlagak dech
- Don’t go with steam ; Jangan ikut – ikutan
- Ring me up ;Telfon aku ya
- Variety is spice of life ; Perbedaan adalah bumbu kehidupan
- I’m flat broke ; Aku lagi bokek
- Dead to the world ; Mimpi indah ya
- In for a penny in for a pound ; Jangan melakukan sesuatu setengah”
- I the same boat ; Senasib
- I want to grow old with you ; Aku ingin hidup semati bersamamu
- Get your own risk ; Itu resiko
- Science is the key of life ; Tanggung sendiri akibatnya
- Patient people is the grace of God ; Orang sabar disayang Tuhan
- See you some other time ; Sampai jumpa lain kali
- Everything gonna be fine ; Semuanya akan baik – baik saja
- You’re babe on the wood ; Kamu lugu banget sich
- It is up to date ; Ini terbaru
- He’s / She’s goody – goody ; Dia anak baik – baik
- Break it up ! ; Hentikan
- Let me save you the trouble ; Biarkan aku lakukan hanya untukmu
- Could I come in ? ; Bolehkah saya masuk
- Don’t love me just for fun ; Jangan mencintai sekedar senang”
- First come first serve ; Siapa cepat dia dapat
- Don’t cry over spilled milk ; Nasi sudah menjadi bubur
- Repeat once more ; Ulangi sekali lagi
- Any question ? ; Ada pertanyaan
- Where have you been ? ; Dari mana kamu
- Don’t take to long ; Jangan lama – lama
- Wait a moment ; Bentar ya
- Don’t take it personal ; Jangan diambil hati
- Wait a minutes ; Bentar ya
- Are you done ? ; sudah selesai belum
- Have you taken shower ? ; Sudah mandi kamu
- You first ; Kamu duluan
- What did you dream about last night ? ; Mimpi apa kamu semalam
- How long have you been here ? ; Sudah berapa lama disisni
- Do you feel at home ? ; Apakah kamu kerasan dirumah
- How long will you staying here ? ; Akan berapa kamu tinggal disini
- Make it serious ? ; Yang bener aja
- Go away ! ; Pergi sana
- What do you mean ? ; Maksudnya
- What is up ? ; Ada apa
- Say cheese ; Senyum dong ( Untuk Foto )
- I hope so ; Aku harap begitu
- No fair ; Curang kamu
- I’m glad to meet you ; Senang berkenalan denganmu
- Don’t forget us ; Jangan lupakan kita
- I’m glad to see you ; Senang bertemu denganmu
- Why are you here ? ; Kenapa kamu kesini
- I’m the blame ; Aku merasa terpojok
- Do you been there ? ; Pernah pergi kesana
- Where are you going ? ; Mau pergi kemana
- Do you want to have ? ; Mau makan apa
- What do you plan to do with you here ; Rencana kamu ngapain aja disini
- Do you gotta class ? ; Ada kelas
- Why were you absent ? ; Kenapa kamu nggak masuk
- Move over ; Geser dikit dong
- Don’t watch too close ; Jangan terlalu dekat nontonnya
- Move side ; Minggir dong
- How do you feel ? ; Bagaimana yang kamu rasakan
- I’ve got temperature ; Aku panas
- You should see the doctor ; Sebaiknya kamu pergi ke dokter
- I’ve got runny nose ; Hidungku pulek
- My body sick all over ; Badanku sakit semua
- I’ve got an upset belly ; Perutku kembung
- Never commit adultery ; Jangan pernah berzina
- Oh, How I need you ; Oh, Betapa aku membutuhkanmu
- Leaving after having fun ; Habis manis sepah dibuang
- I’ll come rain or shine ; Aku aka datang apapun yang terjadi
- What is done is done ; Apa yang terjadi, terjadilah
- Don’t look me down ; Jangan meremehkanku
- Bullshit ; Omong kosong
- Don’t think about too much ; Jangan terlalu dipikirin
- Don’t make me wait ; Jangan membuatku menunggu
- Tell you what ; Gini aja
- No way ; Nggak mungkin
- Now what ? ; Gimana nich
- That’s all ; Cukup sekian
- Something like that ; Semacam itulah
- I got a be off now ! ; Aku harus berangkat sekarang
- Can you keep a secret ? ; Bisakah kamu menjaga rahasia
- How strange ? ; Aneh sekali, Tumben
- Just curious ; Cuma ingin tahu aja
- It’s doesn’t matter ; Nggak masalah
- Just asking ; Hanya Tanya aja
- Get well soon, OK ; Cepat sembuh ya
- My tongue taste bitter ; lidahku terasa sakit
- It’s only a small cut ; Cuma luka ringan aja
- You call it food ? ; Kamu sebut itu makanan
- Let’s go out for bite ? ; Cari makan yuk
- I’m not that hungry ; Aku nggak begitu lapar
- I’m full ; Aku sudah kenyang
- I have had enough ; Perutku sudah nggak muat lagi
- Have some ; Cobain dech
- Have some more ? ; Mau nambah lagi
- It’s delicious ; Enak sekali / Lezat banget
- I don’t like hot food ; Aku nggak suka makanan pedas
- Can you get me some ? ; Boleh nitip
- Save some for me , Ok ; Sisakan buat aku ya
- The rice is done ; Nasinya sudah matang
- I this edible ? ; Ini bisa dimakan
- How’s the taste ? ; Bagaimana rasanya
- Can I have some ? ; Boleh minta
- Help yourself ; Silahkan ambil sendiri
- Can I have a bite ? Boleh nyobain
- Make if fast ; Cepetan dong
- Where is the dipper ? ; Dimana gayungnya
- It’s no use ; Ini nggak ada gunanya
- Where is my towel ? ;Dimana handukku
- Make a line, Will you ; Antri dong
- I have to take a bath ; Aku harus mandi
- Anyone there ? ; Ada orang di dalam
- Who is inside ? ; Siapa didalam
- Whose turn is it ? ; Giliran siapa
- I’m not kidding ; Aku nggak bercanda
- What do you think about ? ; Apa pendapatmu tentang
- Have you had meal ? ; Sudah makan
- What is it that you want ? ; Mau kamu apa sich
- What took you so long ; Lama banget sich
- I’m going for a walk ; Aku Cuma jalan – jalan
- Have you seen it ?; Sudah lihat apa belum
- Has it started ? ; Sudah di mulai belum
- I think so ; Saya pikir juga begitu
- It’s so cute ; Imut banget Loe
- That’s cool ; Keren tuch
- You’re a creep ; Kamu nyebelin
- What the blast ? ; Tempat apa’an nich
- Have a chit chat ; Ngobrol
- Tease me, OK ; Godain aku dong
- Don’t disturb me ; Jangan ganggu aku
- Tease you us, OK ; Godain kita dong
- Leave me alone ; Tinggalkan aku sendiri
- I’ll stick by you ; Aku akan setya ama kamu
- I’m speechless ; Aku nggak tahu harus bicara
- Forget it / Skip it ; Lupakan
- Hurry up ; Cepetan dong
- Just for fun ; Hanya iseng aja
- Easy going ; Cuek aja
- Over my dead body ; Langkahi dulu mayatku
- Don’t hurry ; Jangan buru – buru
- Did you eat ? ; Sudah makan
- Say something ; Ngomong dong
- Never mind ; Nggak masalah
- I’m in a hurry ; Aku buru – buru nich
- What can I say ; Apa boleh buat
- Damn if you do, damn if you don’t ; Begini salah, Begitu salah
- You’re really the pits ; Kamu payah dech
- Just knock it off ; Jalanin aja dulu
- I’m cloud in the air ; Aku gembira sekali
- It’s not that easy ; Nggak segampang itu
- Let’s stick around little longer ; entar dulu nggak ush terburu – buru
- Stop being such a Baby ; Jangan manja dong
- Can I make an offer ? ; Boleh saya tawar
- See, I told you what ; Nah, Kubilang juga apa
- I don’t care who you are ; Aku nggak peduli siapa kamu
- What will be will be ; Yang akan terjadi biarlah terjadi
- I can’t say a word ; Aku nggak bisa berkata - kata
- Do you mean it ? ; Apa kamu bersungguh - sungguh
- Just a small talk ; Cuma sekedar basa - basi
- Don’t touch me ; Jangan sentuh aku
- The feeling come to me just like that ; Perasaan itu datang padaku begitu saja
- You know what ! I like the way you smile ; Tau nggak ! Aku suka senyummu
- What are you doing ? ; Lagi ngapain
- I can’t be late again ; Aku nggak boleh terlambat lagi
- You got only track of mind ; Kamu hanya berpikiran negative
- It’s time to take your medicine ; Waktunya minum obat
- I’ve got toothache ; Aku sakit gigi
- For your information ; Asal tahu aja
- Go straight up, all right ; Jangan mampir – mampir ya
- What to do when it rains ? ; Hujan – hujan gini enaknya ngapain ya
- I want to warm up the bench ; Aku mau nongkrong
- Wow, You look so cool today ; Wow, Kamu kelihatan keren hari ini
- Let’s do the double date ? ; Kencan bareng yuk
- Have a fair is sinful to me ; Selingkuh itu dosa buatku
- Now love dead and the rainbow is gone ; Cinta berakhir dan kebahagiaanpun sirna
- My world is blue now I’m with you ; Dunia terasa hampa tanpamu
- You cheat on me ; Kamu membohongiku
- I never be lying ; Aku nggak pernah bohong
- I’ve got fever ; Aku demam
- I’ve got headache ; Aku sakit kepala
- You skip the class ? ; Kamu bolos ya
- Where d’you go ? ; Mau pergi ke mana
- What are you trying to say ? ; Apa maksudmu
- Save Saturday night for me ? ; Malam mingguan denganku yuk
- What a pity you are ; Kasihan dech loe
- What a cap cake ; Cengeng banget sich
- What do I get ? ; Apa untungnya buatku
- Do it what it is ; Hadapi apa adanya
- It’s relief of you ; Lega rasanya hatiku
- Don’t go anywhere ! ; Jangan pergi kemana – mana
- It is back number ; Ini sudah kuno
- The entire world is stage ; Dunia ini adalah panggung sandiwara
- Every could has a silver lining ; Setiap masalah pasti ada jalan keluarnya
- Home sweet home ; Rumahku Surgaku
- Don’t bother yourself ; Nggak usah repot – repot
- I had a crushed on her / him ; Aku naksir dia
- Think my prestige ; Ini bukan keahlianku
- Cross my heart ; Percayalah padaku
- Don’t take it your time ; Jangan tergesa – gesa
- Whatever will be will be ; Yang terjadi biarlah terjadi
- Make a lap ( Slang ) ; Duduklah
- So what else ? ; Jadi, Apalagi nich
- Say nobody ; Jangan bilang siapa – siapa
- Easy to say but difficult to do ; Mudah di ucapkan sulit dilakukan
- It’s not easy as you say ; Tak semudah yang kamu katakan
- Don’t try to be cool ; Jangan sik keren
- Take care yourself ; Jaga dirimu baik - baik
- Don’t be up and down ; Jangan mondar - mandir
- I’m big head ; Aku jadi GR nich
- Who’s scared ! ; siapa takut
- Let’s gone be by gone ; Yang berlalu biarlah berlalu
- Let’s gating gather ? ; Kumpul yuk
- Little by little become a hill in long time ; Sedikit demi sedikit lama-lama jadi bukit
- Better safe than sorry ; Mencegah lebih baik dari pada mengobati
- Absolutely ; Tentu / Pasti
- Win a few, Lose a few ; Kadang berhasil kadang juga gagal
- You will be death of me ; Kamu nyusahin aku aja
- What’s wrong with that ? ; Emangnya kenapa
- The sooner the better ; Lebih cepat lebaik
- Take it or leave it ? ; Mau apa tidak
- Just look around ; Hanya liat – liat aja
- I’m sick to you ; Aku rindu padamu
- What if I do ? ; Kalau kulakukan, Emangnya kenapa
- You’re something else ; Kamu bisa aja
- What’s past is past ; dulu – dulu, Sekarang – sekarang
- You’re too much ; Kamu keterlaluan
- What brings you here ? ; Tumben kamu kesini
- You’re smart elect ! ; Sok tau kamu
- Small but tough ; Kecil – kecil cabe rawit
- You’re really something ; Kamu ada – ada saja
- You’ve something in your mind ; Lagi mikirin sesuatu ya

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